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Arrange a male foot reflexology treatment with Harmony Reflexology in Galway

Reflexology For Men

Therapies like reflexology are often considered to be the preserve of women but fortunately this is changing thanks to the growing popularity of male reflexology. The numerous physical benefits of male foot reflexology help restore the body to a state of calm and provide deep relaxation.


The day to day pressures of our work and personal lives can negatively affect men's health.


Harmony Reflexology & Wellnesstailor every male foot reflexology treatment to the needs of each client with the aim of rebalancing bodily systems and improving present symptoms.


We strongly recommend reflexology for men because of the positive impact it can have on mental as well as physical health. Stimulating the nervous and lymphatic systems encourages men to release feel-good hormones and endorphins which help to relieve stress.


Looking for an expert in male reflexology? Get in touch with us

Benefits of Reflexology For Men

​ Ease digestion problems

​ Helps respiratory disorders

​ Improves insomnia

​ Improves nerve function

​ Increased circulatio

​ Reduce anxiety

​ Relieve foot pain

​ Relieve muscle/joint discomfort


Harmony Reflexology & Wellness
Cloverfield, Mountbellew,
Galway, H53 KW88,

​ Phone:
086 354 3928

​ Opening Hours:

10:00 - 21:30
10:00 - 21:30
10:00 - 21:30

10:00 - 19:30


10:00 -19:30


10:00 - 14:30

Harmony Reflexology
Harmony Reflexology
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